I have a tendency to tell people what to do. It's my way of trying to help people. I realize once one reaches middle age, which I have, it can be an unbecoming trait. People can perceive my giving of advice as nagging.
I find this self quality a difficulty when dealing with a bipolar mate. My husband is independent to the extreme. He can take care of himself. Or at least that's the perception to outsiders.
While I was driving to my parent's/his inlaws last week for Thanksgiving, my husband announced from the backseat,
"Oh crap. I forgot my meds!"
He has one of those days of the week pill holders. He'd left it in our bathroom. I immediately asked if we should turn around. I couldn't imagine him dealing with his mother-in-law for multiple days without his bipolar meds. But, he said no. He'd manage.
I've asked myself why I didn't remind him to make sure he had his pills. I want to be a help to him. I don't want to be a nag. Is there a happy medium?
Consequently, he did fine mood wise without his lithium. He did suffer from a constant headache. But...there were no manic episodes or horrific mood swings. He did quite well. He also forgot his tennis shoes. Which I neglected to ask if he had when we loaded the car.
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