Saturday, November 17, 2012

maybe she's bipolar

I've heard it twice in the last couple weeks.

"Maybe so and so is bipolar."

It seems to be people's go-to response when a person is moody or acts in a way others might deem as, well as someone who might be bipolar.

It irks me.  Obviously because my husband is.  And the people these other folks are talking about most likely are not.

It's interesting to me because if someone acts out of the ordinary, it's highly unlikely someone would say,

"Maybe he was recently diagnosed with cancer.  That could explain his low mood."

We would never want to pin cancer on someone.  That's against societal norms.  But the term bipolar, it's almost acceptable to call someone this.

I'm thankful my husband's diagnosis has caused me to be more sensitive to the labels we put on others, whether they fit or not.

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