Wednesday, January 9, 2013

health care conundrum

My husband recently switched jobs, which was a really good thing, for a myriad of reasons. 

But, moving back into the not-for-profit world where the idea is you help people, is not always helpful to the actually HELPERS.

In other words, the employee benefits are not great. 

Without going into all of the nitty gritty details, I will say this:

The health care world does not seem to care about the world's health.  Especially the world's mental health.

Navigating how to best take care of yourself when you realize you're bipolar is not easy.  I've witnessed that.  But navigating this new way of life when your health insurance benefits are lacking, well, that's a recipe for disaster (aka manic episodes, breakdowns, etc.).

I realized in 2012 there are many, many people out there who are suffering from mental issues.  Some are extremely serious and life threatening.  Some are minor day to day, but can become huge if left undisturbed. 

It's frustrating.  Complaining doesn't help.  There's already a huge contingency of people lobbying for better health care.  Joining them most likely won't do any good in our particular situation. 

So, I'll continue hoping and praying we'll get through this minor glitch and he'll be comfortably sharing with his therapist on a regular basis soon.  Until then, well, it's hoping and praying.......

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